Mauritania, Officially known as Republic of Mauritania, It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean , Nouakchott is the Capital of Mauritania. Mauritania is an IMO White List country and joined as member state of IMO in the year of 1961, at the same year Maritime Administration Office is formed with name Directorate General of Shipping, Department of Seafarers
The Directorate General of Shipping, Department of Seafarers is the Maritime Administration Office, Government of Mauritania. to Conducts the examination and issuing the certificates for seafarers in accordance with the regulation of I/2 under the convention of STCW as amended.
The Directorate General of Shipping, Department of Seafarer (DoS) is an agency under the Ministry of Transport, Mauritania. It is the maritime safety administration of Mauritania, The Department is responsible for the formulation and implementation of the national policies and legalisation to ensure the safety of life and ships at sea, development of shipping industry, maritime education and certification of seafarers
Recognition by the global shipping industry through maritime excellence”
Produce qualified professional seafarers in order to further enhance employment prospects.
Maintain a quality but competitive ship register
Implement the provisions of applicable International conventions and regulations.
Enhance and update the professional knowledge of officials in the divisions.
Perform regulatory and service oriented functions with a high degree of efficiency and integrity.
Continuous improvement in all aspects of Maritime Activities.
Following a liberalized shipping policy, which was in continued practice during this period considered a pre-requisite to attract more business to the shipping industry in Mauritania.